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Lörennia on the Gods

Started by LorenniaNailo, Mar 08, 2024, 08:42 PM

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(Note: All statements below are Lörennia's opinions and hers alone.)

Lörennia on the Greater Gods

Azuth: Not much to say really.  My interests don't really have anything to do with his sphere of influence.

Bane: ...Do I even need to answer this one?  Really?  Fine.  Well, to be fair, there's a certain amount of truth to some of his teachings - in the end you need to be able to rely on yourself because no one else will always be there for you - but otherwise his philosophy and worshipers just leave me sick.  If I were Overgoddess for a day, the second thing I would do is kill Bane and throw his godly portfolio as far off of the World Tree as I could.  Spending the next 23 hours and 58 minutes dealing with the fallout from that decision would be a small price to pay.

Chauntea: What is there to say, really?  She seems more "important to life and living" than "has opinions and makes them known".  Obviously she's important, but importance by itself doesn't make me want to worship her.  Quick prayer when eating?  Sure.  Otherwise?  Not really.  Though I do appreciate the part where she doesn't take herself too seriously.  For such a powerful goddess, she has remarkably little pomp and pageantry; now that is something I can appreciate.

Cyric: To be honest, I see a lot of myself in Cyric.  None of it is good, of course, but I'm not going to lie to myself and pretend it isn't there.  But his story and mine have a lot of parallels.  Then of course there's the part where he killed Leira, one of the big deities from my childhood - though not one I was particularly fond of - so I guess "confusing" is probably the best descriptor of how I feel about him.

Eilistraee: She's great.  But, she's also focused on the drow – which I completely understand – so there's not a lot of overlap between her portfolio and my needs.  Which is okay.

Gond: Never let it be said that I don't appreciate the god of artifice.  I am pretty sure he helped me somehow when I made my bow, and I definitely lose track of time when making things.  But, I have to admit, smokepowder is awful.  It's an offense to the senses, and if it ever became common enough I think it might spell the end of archery, one of my few other loves.

Helm: Ehhh...not my favorite deity.  Loyalty is really important, obviously, but it needs to be tempered with some independent thinking.  Killing the guardian of the Weave because she's trying to fulfill her obligations is pretty messed up.  Then there's the s*** his clerics got up to in Mezro...

Ilmater: There are few gods or clergy that have helped me more than Ilmater and his priests.  I owe him and them a lot...maybe everything.  But...I don't know, something just seems off about the way they approach the suffering in the world.  Alleviating suffering is fine and great, but they so rarely take action to prevent it that sometimes I wonder if they really want to.  Which is more than a little unfair of me, I admit.

Kelemvor: I have mixed feelings about Kelemvor.  On the one hand, his path to ascension has parallels to my own life, but on the other, I have called out to him for death so many times and he never answered.

Kossuth: He embodies his element well, I think, but that doesn't mean I have to like him.

Lathander: It's hard not to like and even respect the Morninglord, but his effectiveness leaves much to be desired.  Even going as far back as the Dawn Cataclysm - if you're going to try and reshape the pantheon, you'd better not miss.  And, well, he did.

Lolth: Well, if there was any specific deity I like less than Bane, it's probably Lolth.  Even ignoring the fact that she opposes the Seldarine, she's just completely against everything I believe in, and terribly ineffective to boot.

Malar: I owe the Beastlord an awful lot, though not all of it is good.  He's one of the few gods that would actually answer me when I called to them.  Though I can't say I always appreciated his answers.  Then, of course, there was the Great Hunt, which I can't say I particularly enjoyed (yes, that's sarcasm).

Mask: I don't really know what to make of him, which I suppose suits him perfectly.

Mielikki: I might have actually met her once.  Not sure.  Either way, she's definitely one of my favorites.

Mystra: What is there to say, really?  She does a damned good job.

Oghma: Like Chauntea, he seems more "important to life and living" than "has opinions and makes them known".  Not that that's necessarily a bad thing.

Selûne: I will freely admit that I have sought out her blessings more than I have most other gods.  I wouldn't say she responded often, but she definitely helped me several times.  That said, she rules fate and my fate has been f****** s***, so I also feel at least a little antagonistic towards her and her followers.

Shar: You have no idea how incredibly tempting Shar can be unless you've been somewhere with no way out.  Oh, and she loves to help, just so long as you pledge to become her pawn, and deaden yourself to the pain instead of overcoming it...which is exactly the problem.  I wanted out.  I don't hate her, but she probably hates me for wanting something better out of life.

Shaudakul: He's pretty great.  Just...not someone I usually have had reason to pray to, until now.

Silvanus: Also pretty great, just a bit too distant for an elf who spent decades imprisoned in a city.

Sune: Ugh.  Vain, short-sighted, and flits between lovers like a moth.  It's hard to imagine a good deity that I would like less.  Though I suppose there is one.

Talos: His entire reason for existing is to prove, to mortals, gods, and himself that there was nothing that could be built that he can't destroy.  But, like, why?  Just seems unnecessary and petty to me.  Some things need a good destroying, but others, well, don't.

Tempus: It would be incredibly arrogant to think that Tempus has never favored me, given how many fights I won in the pits.  I really should thank him a lot more than I do.  Especially since there's going to be a lot more battles before I can finally sit back and rest (if ever).

Torm: Honesty and loyalty are great things, but truth can be overrated and self-righteousness is a sick joke.  Hard pass.  Some of his followers are pretty good though.

Tymora: She has probably favored me more times than I care to count, though admittedly not always with the best possible outcome.  Still, it's hard not to like her.

Tyr: (spit) If "justice" allows slavers to do what they've done to me, then "justice" is worth less than the ink it takes to write his name.  F*** Tyr, and especially f*** certain members of his "holy orders".  Yes, I'm bitter.

Umberlee: About the only problem I have with her is that she didn't take down the ship I was captured on.  But that's pretty minor.

Uthgar: Who?

Waukeen: As far as I can tell, she allows and even encourages the slave trade, since it's, you know, trade.  Not going to touch that with a ten-foot pole.


Mystra is my deity  ...   ;D