Lómë -- the Jewel of the Desert; Kawa-- Grove of Screaming Whispers

Started by GameMaster, Nov 06, 2023, 06:27 PM

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I start to look around for anything that could possibly be used as a weapon or something to defend myself and escape routes if needed.


Through the crowd, you see a large man with a large sword on his back cutting accross town from the temple and rushing toward a clocktower.

Another crowd is going toward the temple from another direction.
What do you do?


I try to go the the opposite way the man is going. I try to find clues on what is happing and where I am


Heading in the opposite direction, you end up going toward the temple.

The biggest crowd is pushing their way into it, screaming and shouting in what is becoming a frenzied chant.  They are turning into a desperate mob, and that is going to be a very dangerous place to be indeed!

Across the way is what looks like a tavern, and inside you can see many people have already started fighting, pulling each other's hair, poking each other in the eyes, rolling around on the sand floor within.

People begin to encircle you again, this time more angry and more brave.

"What have you done with our water!" one man shouts above the rest of the crowd, stepping forward and sticking an accusing finger at your face.  "Bring it back!"
What do you do?


What do you do?