Lómë -- the Jewel of the Desert; Etali, Kragar, Horat-- "Emergence."

Started by GameMaster, Dec 09, 2023, 11:04 PM

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"I feel I should know you and why we are imprisoned together.  You may call me Kragar.  At least, I think that is my name.  I have been here for so long that I am unsure."



Same. I am Etali. Have any of you seen the exit?


"I would guess that the exit is up these stairs.  I wouldn't open that door."  (Indicates the door that has the troll behind it.)  "Shall we get out of here?  Maybe we can find our stuff, somewhere."

I head toward the stairs.


I follow. (placing myself at the back of the party.)


As you all walk up the stairs, the shadows themselves seem to speak to you.  The voice seems to be Darkness itself, brutal and demanding, deep and terrible all at once.

"Under the Clocktower, in the shadow of the Library you will aid me in slaying the mortals, and I will reward you with Immortality and Power beyond your wildest dreams."

The voice is gone as quickly as it came.
What do you do?


I continue to ascend the stairs, heedless of the voice. 


(Horat is a Tiefling roughly 5 feet and 10 inches. His skin is mostly beige with a reddish tint that can go unnoticed in a glance. Within his dark black hair lies two horns about an inch long each. While he can move around his hair too hide these, he rarely chooses to do so.)


I proceed upwards to the stairs as well.  Ignoring the voice.


Up the stairs and through an opening that once had a door, you all find yourselves in the main area of a synagogue full of desperate people. Most scream and shout and flee at the site if you three-- two half dragons and a tiefling, they think you demons.

Others wail and prostate themselves before you, being forgiveness and mercy from "Malgrathor" and from you all.

What do you do?


I do a quick glance around the room to see if there is anything that may belong to myself or the other two beings with me.


I also search around for any of my missing things, the other twos strangers things, or anything that can be used as a weapon until we find our things.


Holy symbols you do not recognize, candleabra, and a mirror that is mostly covered by heavy cloth, but nothing else of any interest that you would find in any other religious temple-- the mob has already picked the place clean in their desperate search-- apparently, you hear through their screaming, there is no more water in all the desert-- or all the world?  It's tough to make sense of their crying.
What do you do?



Terrified of you, the mob parts and trips over itself to get out of your way.

You notice none of these people have any weapons of any kind.  At the exit, looking out, you also see all the people there have no weapons of any kind.
What do you do?


Are there any other buildings that look interesting?  If so, I head in that direction.