Lómë -- the Jewel of the Desert; All Characters-- MAD GODS.

Started by GameMaster, Dec 11, 2023, 06:26 PM

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Ghar would like to see the book for a moment before leaving, but will leave it here with the others for now. He will be headed to Calimshan, so long as he can avoid the cursed short-stacks present in Lantan.


Kragar will hang around for a bit and hone his skills.


(Ghar watches Kragar like a puppy)


(Apropos of nothing, I didn't realize until now that there's a direct connection from here to Waterdeep, if anyone was headed that way.)

(Also, for reference, I'm preparing cure light wounds rather than camouflage for a while.)


Horat will head towards Baldur's Gate. (I rolled a 66)


Quote from: LorenniaNailo on Feb 25, 2024, 10:37 AMWell, only Samarach and Zakhara regularly trade with Nimbral too, which is why I was hoping Phineas' connections might find someone willing to risk the journey.  Helping return a wayward daughter of Nimbral for a visit should be enough to get them to port, though obviously I can't guarantee anything (hence the risk).  At that point, it's up to the captain to try and leverage that visit into a regular route, if he so desires.  [Let me know if there are any rolls you'd like me to make.]

Lorennia, I'm willing to risk the journey, if you can wait a few ...  I am building a ship and hiring a captain and crew ...  that sounds like an excellent idea, leveraging it into a regular route  ...  let's do it !!!


If I'm not mistaken, it usually takes 6 months to 2 years to build a ship (with a dedicated shipyard, which at least Lantan presumably has).  A few days or maybe a week is one thing; that is something else entirely.  Maybe you want to scout the route first? ;)


Yeah, GM told me it would take 2 months to build the ship I designed(shipwright is one of my craft skills); that will give me time to put together a real good crew.

Lantan is my home, so my parents were fairly well-known and respected and they remember me(we did a LOT of rolls).

I am still willing to take you to Nimbral  ...   :D


I decide to wait and take Phineas up on his offer. In the mean time I would like to take up odd jobs to fill my coffer a bit.


Two months is a *long* time to wait in a place with no forests, no elves, and no need for any of the skills that I actually have.  I am aware of the irony that the much-longer-lived elf is the one who can't wait, but...I have my reasons.

At an estimate, Nimbral is about twice as far from Lantan as Mezro is from Calimshan (based on some old maps that show both Nimbral and the Chult peninsula), or about 960 miles.  Figure a ship moves at 9-10 knots and we're looking at 4-5 days each way, or about two and a half weeks total.  Obviously that's over a quarter of your shipbuilding time; that's probably too much for you to be absent for (though I still wouldn't say no if you decided to come :) ), but it's probably about right if you want to test a ship captain before gifting him with a precious new ship.


Here's a more exhaustive list of what Lörennia is going to do, for however long she's here.

Days 1-2: Finish recovering, as the fight with Malgrathor took a lot out of her.
Day 3: Do all that research on "what year is it" and "how long was I in Lómë" in the morning.  In the afternoon, explore the city, moving on into the evening.  One wannabe mugger has a really bad time of it.
Day 4: Spend time talking to ship captains trying to get one to take me to Nimbral, pointing out that there's a distinct opportunity to form the only long-term trade route Lantan would have to the island.  From what I hear it's not going to happen though.
Day 5: Explore the surrounding countryside, to whatever extent the Lantanese allow (not pushing the issue if someone says no).  Spend time picking up whatever wood, flint, and obsidian I can find (since one is sedimentary and the other is igneous, at least one should be available).
Day 6: Wake up with the sun and spend half an hour jogging around the city (note: only Kragar flying can match a speed of 100 ft./round without forgoing the ability to turn around corners, so it's unlikely anyone will be joining her).  Head down to the wharf and see what new ships came in.  Talk to their captains about going to Nimbral, then Samarach, then Zakhara.  Probably get shot down with each one.  Spend the rest of the day making arrows until I run out of resources, then sell 2/3 of what I've made (keeping 1/3 for myself until I have 60 arrows, then selling the extra 1/3 as well), using some of that money to buy metal arrowheads for the next day.  Find somewhere in the city to watch the sunset from (preferably a different place each day).  Then head to bed early, as it takes Lörennia 10-12 hours to get a full night's sleep due to horrible nightmares.
Days 7-9: Repeat day 6.  Use the metal arrowheads after day 6, and keep some money when I have enough arrowheads rather than just accumulating an infinite number of them.
Day 10: Pack up for an excursion into the jungle (Lörennia needs a break from people for a while).  Spend the better part of the day wandering around more or less aimlessly, hunting if she needs to.  Return around sunset.

After that, repeat days 6-10.  After day 20 (if she gets that far), it's no longer worth asking about Zakhara.  After day 40 (if she gets that far), it's no longer worth asking about Samarach.  Around day 60, Phineas should have completed his ship, and if Lörennia is still around she will take him up on the original offer.

(Note: Yes, on further reflection I don't think there's much point in going to Thindol.)


(Ghar silently compliments Lorennia's arrowhead craftsmanship, if he's still in Lantan.)


Lorennia, there is no thug on all of Lantan that would mug you, LOL!
We'll need to discuss the timeline on a phone call.
What do you do?


[Let me know if the below links do not work.]

Phineas, Kragar, Etali:  You are now in Lantan, continuing your journey in "Depths of Deception."

Ghar:  You are in Calimshan, "Beyond the Horizon."

Lörennia:  You are in Nimbral, "The Siren's Call."

Horat:  You are in Baulder's Gate, "Sails of Spring."

Kawa:  You are in The High Forest, "Leafs and Lore: The Roots of a Holt Warden."

New (extra) characters:  Work in progress, ETA is ASAP

What do you do?